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Yuu 🪼

cat and train conductor


20(10/18) . any pronouns + jellyfish/sea neos . local souma and jellyfish enthusiast . cinnamon tree ceo and yumejin . host and frequent fronter .

YM 🐼

jeweller of desire


21(04/24) . he/him . masc terms . down bad for kuro and madara . tries to scare people off by being weird, it doesn't work rip . protector and frequent fronter .

Winter 🐘

maple of the full moon night


21(11/11) . she/her . either stays quiet or speaks formally . into magic and manifestation . keito liker . caretaker/mother figure and frequent fronter .

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Nezu 🐁

binding ariadne


19(10/18) . transmasc he/him . crazy over crazy:b . yumes with HiMERU and rinne . likes being called a lab rat and is constantly under his angsty teen arc . co-host and frequent fronter .

Ina 🐑

frontline watchdog


18(08/13) . she/her . persecutor of some sort . makes unhealthy decisions . likes eden . doesn't really show up often online, but influences lots of irl decisions .

Noire 🦇

watchful demon


22(02/05) . non-binary they/them/vamp . likes night walks, hanging upside down, and causing problems on purpose . vampire wannabe . doesn't show up often .